Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association Civil Process Manual and Forms
Any attorney seeking to expand his or her knowledge working on matters involving civil process will benefit from this informative seventeen-chapter civil process manual.
The Oregon State Sheriffs’ 2023 Civil Process Manual features topics of interest, including service and enforcement of various types of process, whether it be notice or enforcement process, effective service of orders, enforcement of pre-judgment and post-judgment remedies.
- Execution: The manual discusses the most current methods of executing on personal and real property based on a monetary judgment or a judgment of foreclosure.
- Garnishment: Garnishment of financial institutions, individual companies, multiple debtors, and other issues
- Process: Issuance of process, including writs of execution and writs of garnishment in justice courts or municipal courts – Registering judgments entered in lower courts
- County Clerk Lien Record: The role of the Clerk County Lien Record on the enforcement of judgments and support orders
- Writs/Orders of Assistance: Enforcement of writs of assistance and orders of assistance for the recovery of children
- Enforcement of abuse restraining orders and stalking orders
- Landlord/Tenant Actions
- Concealed Handgun License chapter
Content Highlights
Chapter 3, Notice Process; Chapter 4, Provisional Process; Chapter 5, Execution; Chapter 6, Execution-Personal Property; Chapter 7, Execution-Real Property; Chapter 8, Redemption Rights and Procedures; Chapter 9, Concealed Handgun Licenses; Chapter 10, Garnishment; Chapter 11, Forcible Entry and Wrongful Detainer (F.E.D.); Chapter 12, Abandoned Vehicles; Chapter 13, Abuse Prevention Restraining Orders; Chapter 14, Stalking, Citations and Protective Orders; Chapter 15, Writs and Orders of Assistance; Chapter 16, Justice Courts and Municipal Courts and Chapter 17, Terms and Phrases.
Statutory References and Case Law
Selected statutes and case law involving the service and enforcement of process are referenced in the 2023 0SSA Civil Process Manual.
If you like the convenience and efficiency of computerized legal research, you will find the OSSA 2023 Civil Process Manual a benefit to you. The Manual is in PDF format.
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