Learn more about the current 36 elected sheriffs in Oregon and the counties they serve.
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Curry County
Sheriff John Ward
John Ward was appointed Sheriff by the Curry County Board of Commissioners on August 26, 2014 as the new Sheriff effective October 1, 2014, due to the resignation of the previous Sheriff. Sheriff John Ward has held several law enforcement certificates including the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Supervisory, Management and currently the top Executive Certificate awarded by the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. Currently Sheriff Ward has worked for the Curry County Sheriff’s Office for thirty-one years, the last eight years as the Sheriff. Sheriff Ward has held the positions of Patrol Deputy, Detective, Patrol Sergeant, and Lieutenant since he was hired in November 1990. In 2005, as a Patrol Sergeant, Sheriff Ward was assigned Search and Rescue Coordinator and was a member of SARAC (Search and Rescue Advisory Council), a member of CORSAR (California Oregon Regional Search and Rescue), and a member of the OSSA Enforcement Command Council. In 2013, as a Patrol Lieutenant and 2 nd in Command, Sheriff Ward was recognized as the Search and Rescue Coordinator of the Year. During his career, Sheriff Ward has been recognized by the Oregon State
Marine Board and OSSA for several lifesaving awards.
Sheriff John Ward was born and raised in Gold Beach and raised his family there and joined the Navy out of high school in 1975. Prior to joining the Curry County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Ward worked in the woods with logging crews and worked for seven years in a work activity center with developmental adults teaching life and work skills. Sheriff Ward was the volunteer high school golf coach for four years during the time his son and daughter were in high school playing golf.
“When I went to work for the Curry County Sheriff’s Office, I never imagined I would be in the position today as the Sheriff of Curry County. It has been one of the hardest jobs but also one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever been in. I know the challenges we face and the ever-changing world of law enforcement and public safety that we live in. I have worked for five different Sheriff’s during my career here at the Curry County Sheriff’s Office and I learned something from each one of them that prepared me for the role of Sheriff. Public Safety has always been my number one priority along with the safety and growth of all the men and women who work for the Curry County Sheriff’s Office. I never demanded respect, if you are sincere, honest, and sympathetic, you will earn the respect the position calls for and you will be successful.”